After The Rain Comes ...
Last night, Peter sent a few update photos and good news for anyone heading to Rusutsu.
Peter reports that there has been 60 cm of pow on top of the ice layer that formed from all the rain. And says that tomorrow (that would be today by now) looks like a big one and the same for the next few days.
I think Peter's captions pretty well say it all:-
Looks like a Thredbo line up
This is what happens when you get two days of rain - a big slide
High walls getting bigger every day from snow blowing
The avalanche danger around Niseko and Rusutsu must be at a maximum with so much snow settling on such a significant ice layer. The back country could be deadly for several days to come.
Meanwhile the temperature dropped sub zero last night up top in Thredbo and the wind-chill went as low as -7.9C. No snow though, but Tassie got quite a dusting the night before.
I actually put on a fleece this morning - the first time in a long while :-)
WARNING! There's a new and very sophisticated phone scam running. Read all about it here and pass it on.