Richard's Report - Friday, 14 September 2012 2:59:37 PM

Spring Time and the Living is Easy or less crowded

Apart from Thursday, the weather this week has been typical spring weather. Cold nights and sunny days. The wind chill today has been low (way below zero) and I was very glad I had refitted the fleece liner to my parka before going out.

I can't stop talking about the grooming, it's been excellent. Sashas Schuss has been groomed this week along with the Karels-to-Ramshead chair line. I think this run needs a name (may be it already has one?). Any ideas? It crosses perpendicular to the Rim Run. Some suggestions so far have been "Rock Garden Falls", "Will's Wish", "Tommy's Twist".

Of even more interest were the 3 sets of survey pegs that appear to make a straight line from Ramshead top station to the rise on the highest groomed point at the top of Karels. I've not seen them before. The facts, upon further investigation, did not sound nearly as exciting as wild speculation might have thought. I'll leave you guessing.

Thursday's snowfall, which started after the rains, dumped a lot more snow up top than I had thought. Today when I got to Karels I was surprised to see deep trenches in the new snow made by yesterday's intrepid riders. These tracks had frozen overnight making for a very uncomfortable off piste. Any part not already tracked was nice but these were far and few between. There was so much new snow that all traces of the brown snow on the range were covered as far as the eye could see. No doubt the wind will eventually start to expose the brown but for now you wouldn't have known any brown had existed.

Speaking of the wind; once again the rising wind has played havoc with the One Hit Wonder above the top of Cruiser chair. Photos below will hopefully give an impression of the size of this year's jump.

It is extremely rare for me to be first in line - Wednesday morning<br>I believe that's Kim arriving second
It is extremely rare for me to be first in line - Wednesday morning
I believe that's Kim arriving second

Brown snow on the very top of Golf Course -  Wednesday
Brown snow on the very top of Golf Course - Wednesday

Looking towards South Ramshead on Wednesday
Looking towards South Ramshead on Wednesday

Behind Karels and looking at Signature today - no brown snow showing
Behind Karels and looking at Signature today - no brown snow showing

The tangled web above Bogong Creek
The tangled web above Bogong Creek

The disabled skiers have been impressing us this week
The disabled skiers have been impressing us this week

Michael's Mistake - today
Michael's Mistake - today

The Basin<BR>That unnamed run (hard to see) goes from near top right to centre left<BR>Sashas is far top
The Basin
That unnamed run (hard to see) goes from near top right to centre left
Sashas is far top

The One Hit Wonder above the top of The Cruiser Chair
The One Hit Wonder above the top of The Cruiser Chair

It's a massive jump and susceptible to the vagaries of the wind
It's a massive jump and susceptible to the vagaries of the wind

It looks like we are up for a fine and sunny weekend. There's no one around and the riding is great. Yes, it does soften during the day.

I'm not convinced yet that we will get a sixth snow storm next Thursday - Friday, but then I thought I saw some pigs fly past ...

You did hear that Thredbo has extended the winter season till October 7th? And time is running out to get your 12 month pass for only $699.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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