Richard's Report - Tuesday, 11 September 2012 3:56:59 PM

Ski Patrol Required

Thredbo Ski Patrol do a great job. They're always out there in any weather and occasionally they like to loosen up a little. The annual Ski Patrol Race is one of those occasions, when we like to get together to raise a few dollars for Ski Patrol. I can't remember a Ski Patrol Race Day when it wasn't sunny (I didn't attend last year's due to injury). Today was no exception - perfect weather for being out on the snow and perfect BBQ weather. For some of us less competitive types the main feature is the sausage sangers and beer. Mind you, I did get competitive this year. I managed to pull off the second fastest qualifying time and avoided the gates as well ;-) I also got to the bottom of my first dual slalom run faster than Duncan (winner of this year's Top To Bottom veterans division). I figured that I was allowed to miss a gate for every couple of years in age difference but apparently straight-lining it in a tuck didn't count when it came to race results ;-)

Our thoughts are with Patroller Brett, who put his body on the line today and broke it. We'll have an extra beer for you in the hope that you recover quickly.

Meanwhile the resort is in great shape. We have had a good freeze each night followed by typical softening spring snow. The brown snow is very prominent as my photos will show but the snow depth is exceptional, especially up high.

Looking south from the top of Sponars towards the top of Kosi chair and Eagle Way
Looking south from the top of Sponars towards the top of Kosi chair and Eagle Way

More creative grooming, this time from Karels straight down to top of Ramshead Chair<br>A most enjoyable diversion
More creative grooming, this time from Karels straight down to top of Ramshead Chair
A most enjoyable diversion

Sandy still trying to clear the deck at Black Sallees<br>Wow there's a lot of snow around
Sandy still trying to clear the deck at Black Sallees
Wow there's a lot of snow around

Sponars this morning<BR>Some penguins survived the lifties' party last night
Sponars this morning
Some penguins survived the lifties' party last night

Ski Patrol race course on appropriately, Rossi Racecourse
Ski Patrol race course on appropriately, Rossi Racecourse

Participation was open to all, and a nice crowd turned out
Participation was open to all, and a nice crowd turned out

Some took it quite seriously<BR>but that didn't go for the chinese downhill
Some took it quite seriously
but that didn't go for the chinese downhill

For some it wasn't all pretty
For some it wasn't all pretty

Lou & Linda fight it out for final placings in the female skier category
Lou & Linda fight it out for final placings in the female skier category

The fastest pair of all, with Sam finally coming out on top
The fastest pair of all, with Sam finally coming out on top

Apologies for the high contrast photos - it really was a very sunny day and I was shooting into the sun.

Thanks to all who made the Ski Patrol Race what it is, race team, ski patrol, punters, the generous providers of prizes and especially Julia behind the BBQ and her trusty barman side kick.

Yes folks, the forecasts are still predicting yet another snowfall this Thursday - Friday. That will make it 5 weeks in a row, although I suspect it will be less than the previous falls. If you have some spare days then Thredbo is the place to be. There's no one around and spring skiing and boarding is the best. There's heaps of cheap accommodation as we're well into "value" season. The beach can wait another month or two and you can get that tan here in the mountains - not that I condone that sort of thing.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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