Richard's Report - Monday, 24 November 2008 2:52:39 PM

Consecutive Reports

Rarely do I do reports on consecutive days, let alone three reports in four days but then the past four days have been anything but usual.

The winds were down and the temperature soon rose above zero. Unfortunately the sky greyed over late morning but there were freshies to be had.

The skin up from the top of Snowgums chair took time and some creek crossings took a mix of a degree in engineering and prophecy but we also threw in a heap of good luck.

Even though we were higher than the resort, the snow was soft and sticky. It had not been packed by wind and was a challenge to ski. It was however, white snow and in some places a metre, or may be more, deep but mostly a lot less than that.

Marion and I headed out pretty early and Acacia caught up with us after our first run.

Signature Hill looked interesting and we just may have to go back up tomorrow, weather permitting.

Snowgums chair and looking down towards Tower 10
Snowgums chair and looking down towards Tower 10

Bunnywalk Station
Bunnywalk Station

Creek crossings were tricky
Creek crossings were tricky

The heavy, sticky snow took commitment
The heavy, sticky snow took commitment

Large snow balls raced us down the steeper slopes
Large snow balls raced us down the steeper slopes

Marion found some pink snow to go with her outfit
Marion found some pink snow to go with her outfit

Looking towards the top of Karels T-bar
Looking towards the top of Karels T-bar

The girls skiing back to the bridge
The girls skiing back to the bridge

Standard view of Signature Hill
Standard view of Signature Hill

How quickly the snow melts - 2:30pm
How quickly the snow melts - 2:30pm

Click here for yesterday's report and here for Friday's lead up report.

If you are wondering where we found these steeper slopes, they are the rocks and grass behind the skiers on my November 9th report.

The forecast is for fine weather tomorrow and another change on Wednesday but that change looks like bringing thunderstorms rather than snow showers.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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