A Few Minutes Of Yahoo

Snow And More Snow

Dan took to the conditions without reservation

Our tour leaders presented us with a ‘ski orientation’ on our first morning.

Looking good - it’s snowing and the first run is knee deep powder in the trees. The second run is mid thigh deep and the visibility is about 20 metres.

If this is to be the standard then I am going to be impressed.

It kept snowing until Dan arrived 4 days later and then we had sunshine until Ingrid arrived a couple days further on. It always feels good to be able to blame someone for less than perfect snow conditions. Have you ever heard of someone being blamed (thanked) for bringing great snow with them?

Hooded Chairlift
And it snowed and it snowed ...
It snowed on and off for a week till Peggy arrived and then we had a week of sunshine. The locals were now saying things like ‘Spring is very early this year’. This is not what we wanted to hear, after all it was only mid February and we had 2 more weeks here.

The snow on the village roads melted away and one morning we even heard 2 motor bikes racing around the narrow village streets.

When it stopped snowing the locals went back to mogul building.
Mogul Heaven
Probably a Zen thing - bump to perfection.
Anyway, why trash the whole slope?

Bamboo could be seen sprouting through
the snow pack in various places

Snow Ghosts
Snow ghosts unlike any I've seen before

  Copyright © 2003 Richard. All rights reserved.
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