Filling In The Gaps
It is pretty quiet in the mountains at present, something many of us love. However, while awaiting something else to report on, I have some alternate snow photos submitted by Alan while away this summer in Canada doing a little CMH heli-skiing trip with Janece and Marion.
You can tell by the lack of 'action' photos that the time spent between start and finish of each run was just way too good to stop and take photos - a discipline I have had to teach myself over many years. Anyway, thanks for the photos Alan. Yes, I am truly envious.
Alan - 'this is powder'
Janece at the top of Lady Mae run
Helicopters for lifts
Alan about to start another run
Glacier below as seen from chopper
Marion in 'shocking' pink
That's what I think it's called
One of the lovely semi-open tree runs
Friday lunch in a snow wonderland
Skiing beside a glacier
Are we happy, or are we happy?
The forecast is for some more damp bits. Hey, after February we're ready for it.