Richard's Report - Wednesday, 18 November 2009 3:41:37 PM

A Last Hoorah

Was this the last hoorah or just may be a penultimate work out for season 2009? The withdrawal symptoms were kicking in hard and it has been well over a week since skiing.

Marion and I headed out mid morning up Snowgums chair to face the climb up to Eagles Nest and then may be one or two runs on Signature Hill. What a stroke of luck when Dave (from Eagles Nest) came past the top of Snowgums, in his 4WD just as we had set off. The lift to the top was brilliant. This also meant we could finally get to make some turns with Callum who had caught a lift up with Dave.

For the last couple of months we had been trying to coordinate one of our trips outback with Callum but it just never happened. Today Callum brought his board to Signature Hill for some end of season fun. We had three runs before refreshments and then a final long one down the main face before one more short run out to the track - or as close as we could get. The weather was great - a cooling breeze and some high cloud to keep the sun at bay. Our return to the village landed us in somewhat more unpleasant heat.


High Noon - it's all very green
High Noon - it's all very green

Yours truly on the North Face<br>photo by Marion
Yours truly on the North Face
photo by Marion

Callum on same<br>photo by Marion
Callum on same
photo by Marion

Moi entering the steeper section of the North Face<br>Callum spraying the red
Moi entering the steeper section of the North Face
Callum spraying the red

Marion on the Main Face<BR>Callum coming off the steepest part of the front face
Marion on the Main Face
Callum coming off the steepest part of the front face

Callum juggling shoes on the Main Face
Callum juggling shoes on the Main Face

Marion getting some speed on martian snow
Marion getting some speed on martian snow

Yes, Callum did have his walking boots in his hands
Yes, Callum did have his walking boots in his hands

Obligatory shot from the bridge on our way back to Snowgums chair - what a walk<br>note the middle of the Main Face we left for Ron
Obligatory shot from the bridge on our way back to Snowgums chair - what a walk
note the middle of the Main Face we left for Ron

I know Lynne is reading this and just may be we could get out to Summer Drift on Saturday morning for last rites if the forecast showers abate.

Mountain bike season starts this Saturday. Meanwhile work has already started on new snowmaking pipes skiers' right of Snowgums chair below BunnyWalk station.

I've lots of grumps but am feeling very mellow after today's ski. Next time!

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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