To The Tune Of June
After days of rain I awoke to a white Thredbo this morning. The report of 10cms up top, 5cms at mid station and a dusting in the village was fairly accurate. There were a lot of firm-slick patches with a stack of light dry fresh white patches mainly up high, where the visibility was not good.
Conditions early were akin to June skiing. Very cold wind chill and blizzard conditions. You could see the top of the grass sticking through the fresh snow and in lower areas there was not a lot of depth between the soil and snow surface.
The bottom of the Supertrail was nice and firm but as the morning progressed the sun and humidity started softening much of the frozen stuff.
Dusting on grass and mud under Kosi chair
Lower Supertrail still holding up but for how long?
World Cup in great condition below Kareela
Kareela Hutte where we didn’t have the end-of-season party yesterday
Freshies on True Blue
The fall of snow did little to help the lower slopes, which suffered badly from the previous days’ rain. A couple of warm days without further snowfalls will soon see the demise of top to bottom skiing.
Don’t get me wrong, I had a great morning skiing on the untracked higher slopes and the run to the bottom of the Kosi chair was not unpleasant. It is still snowing as I write this report and with luck there will be lots more.