Richard's Report - Sunday, 28 June 2009 2:54:56 PM

Slow Start

The end of the week provided great skiing with clear, sunny, cool days and no crowds. The only unfortunate thing has been having to ride Snowgums. Kosi chair is still only open to foot passengers as Eagle Way is not considered to be ready for the onslaught of skiers and boarders.

The weekend came and the weather went grey and the snow went wet, The big increase in the number of riders put extra pressure on the few runs open - Friday Flat, High Noon, Ballroom, Walkabout and Supertrail (including top section of World Cup).

It began to snow last night and the biggest of wet snowflakes could be seen falling (rapidly) in the village and settling. The flakes were so big and so wet that I expect to hear each one crash into the pavement. Unfortunately the 50c coin sized flakes didn’t keep falling for long. Wonderful base building stuff but heavy and slow under ski.

The overnight temperature hovered around 0C and was too warm and humid for snowmaking but the natural snow provided more of a top up than the guns would have. About 10cm of wet snow fell up top and around 1cm in the village. Those who got first tracks said it was smooth and pleasant. I enjoyed a Sunday lie in – although rare, it’s always special.

Catwalk looks good<BR>But still no traverses are open
Catwalk looks good
But still no traverses are open

Friday Flat on Saturday morning
Friday Flat on Saturday morning

Upper Supertrail
Upper Supertrail

Mid Supertrail
Mid Supertrail


Milk Run
Milk Run

Lower Sundance late on Saturday
Lower Sundance late on Saturday

Lower Sundance Sunday morning
Lower Sundance Sunday morning

High Noon Sunday
High Noon Sunday

The range of forecasts available for next week are varied and not looking good for anything significant in the way of improving conditions on the mountain. Although it is a slow start to the season, it’s still June and we shouldn’t be disappointed. There will be good snowfalls in July and the next 3 months will provide some excellent skiing and boarding. I just find it hard to be patient while my skis find it hard to retain their ptex. Both skis now have nasty gouges in the base. Ronnie will soon be getting them but I’d just like a bit deeper snow base before outlaying all those dollars for a full base rebuild on my skis. I’m sure to hit more nasties in the next week.

No grump this week – been too busy with good stuff.

We had fireworks on Saturday night and a flare run which would have been more interesting for the participants than for the audience as it was run in heavy fog. We couldn’t see them and I bet they couldn’t see much at all either.

My week-old twitter page has seen a growing number of followers, which I find both humbling and enouraging and hope that I can maintain whatever level of information it is that you expect. Mind you, I’m not going to put myself under any pressure to excel ;-)

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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