Richard's Report - Friday, 19 December 2008 4:35:22 PM

One Day In An Esky

When the sky got so black yesterday that I had to turn on the lights, it only took one look at the weather radar to know that it was time to turn off all computer gear and get out the camera. A series of red blots on the radar screen turned into six consecutive hailstorms intermingled with heavy rain and lightning.

As fast as the hail built up on the roofs the rain washed it off, until the final fall which settled and was still visible late at night. The roads became near impassable and I heard of accidents occurring when drivers took on the extreme conditions.

The village looked as though it had been placed in an esky and packed in crushed ice. Overnight the temperature dropped below 0C but by this afternoon there was little to be seen of yesterday’s excitement.

The slopes are green, the temperature has been pleasurably low and the clouds are breaking up. No flies on this village.

Hail falling at the base of Merritts chair
Hail falling at the base of Merritts chair

Roads turned white (or blue in this photo)
Roads turned white (or blue in this photo)

First Tracks - looking for shelter
First Tracks - looking for shelter

Treacherous driving conditions
Treacherous driving conditions

Bottom of Supertrail
Bottom of Supertrail

No ice on High Noon
No ice on High Noon

Just inside the park entrance today
Just inside the park entrance today

Enough with the photos already
Enough with the photos already

Las Vegas has had its biggest snowfall in 30 years and snow even fell in southern California. Just love this global warming.

Non-Grumpy Report: Wishing you all a Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays / Generic Season Greetings and an exciting, memorable, prosperous, healthy and very happy New Year.

Telstra Grump Report: Now into its fifth month. Promises of my Telstra case manager calling me proved fruitless once again. Even the TIO could not get Telstra to break its relentless search in the worst possible forms of customer service. Meanwhile I have received my second “welcome to Telstra” junk paper package in three months. No saving the trees here. Telstra, you are so NOT green!

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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