Richard's Report - Saturday, 1 November 2008 11:03:42 PM

The Challenge

A big challenge this season was to get to ski in November. Unlike past years where we dreamt of skiing through to December, the two red dust storms that decimated the snow pack presented the challenge of November skiing. Well today, the first day of November 2008, we responded to that challenge. Furthermore, Marion and I had the extra challenge from Waz whose caffeinated gusto was sure to put us under more pressure. Adding even more to the list of challenges, Waz shaved off his moustache, partly to see how long before any of us noticed but mainly as a challenge to the lads in his office to see how fast they can grow one. I'm not getting involved in that.

The walk out was a little longer due to the diminishing snow pack and the weather a little dubious due to an easterly stream of clouds. Although the main range had not seen sub zero temperatures for over a week, the snow was pretty good - a layer of soft red about 2-3 centimetres deep on a reasonably firm base. The ride was a little slower than past weeks but still enjoyable. Enjoyable enough that Waz, who said he was only having 2 runs, ended up having 7. Our early departure at 9:30 via coffee at Eagles Nest resulted in not finishing until sometime after midday.

Jax came along as support team but ended up making a photo collection of frozen bugs.

One of the rare moments that the sun came out
One of the rare moments that the sun came out

Waz looking for a gap on the North Face
Waz looking for a gap on the North Face

Threading the needle to split the rocks
Threading the needle to split the rocks

North Face +10C with a mild easterly breeze
North Face +10C with a mild easterly breeze

Every climb has its reward
Every climb has its reward

Carving the red
Carving the red

Looking towards Eagles Nest
Looking towards Eagles Nest

There are risks in skiing over spring creeks
There are risks in skiing over spring creeks

Final 6’s for 2008?
Final 6’s for 2008?

Our morning on an ever shrinking Signature Hill
Our morning on an ever shrinking Signature Hill

The weather patterns are turning towards summer. I was accosted today by a couple of flies below Signature Hill and I expect many more next week when we may attempt one last sojourn to Summer Drift before Kosi chair closes for several weeks maintenance after next weekend’s Snowy Ride.

Grumpy Report: This week's grump is about some of the new words unofficially being weaselled into the English language. What are these words “terr” and “ferr”? You hear them regularly spoken by newsreaders and reporters who should know better. One might tolerate a young child saying “I’m going terr the fridge ferr a drink” but to hear supposedly educated people make such a mishmash of the English language out of ignorance and laziness is less than acceptable. Don't even start me up about the dropping of "ly"s.

Telstra Report: This has now earned its own grumpy segment. After nearly 3 months, 18 phone calls and 10 hours on the phone trying to get a Sydney phone number disconnected, I received a call from Telstra last Friday whereupon I was assured by the operator that the Sydney number would be disconnected, and it was. The trouble is that they also disconnected my Thredbo number, for the second time during the 3 months. The incompetence, ignorance and arrogance are beyond belief. Come Monday morning I will begin the process to get my Thredbo number reconnected. It took 25 days last time. No doubt there will be further instalments in this farcical saga. If you had a dog as sick as Telstra, you would have it put down.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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