Richard's Report - Monday, 9 June 2008 5:10:18 PM

Season 2008 Underway

How quickly people forget. Yes there was snow on the ground for the last 2 opening weekends, but many more previous have been grassy events, like this one.

The little snow that was able to be made provided fun for those who took their gear to Friday Flat. Meanwhile the mild temperatures and clear skies had many trekking out onto the main range amongst the grasses and frozen streams.

There was a stack of free entertainment in the village and far more on than I could keep up with.

Official opening of season 2008
Official opening of season 2008

Just couldn't quite connect the dots on High Noon (Saturday pm)
Just couldn't quite connect the dots on High Noon (Saturday pm)

Friday Flat on Monday afternoon
Friday Flat on Monday afternoon

Signature Hill and Friday Flat on Sunday
Signature Hill and Friday Flat on Sunday

The "Blessing of the Snow"

Tommy testing the latest green technology to be employed by Ski Patrol
Tommy testing the latest green technology to be employed by Ski Patrol

Need transport from Friday Flat to Doc Steve's surgery?
Need transport from Friday Flat to Doc Steve's surgery?

Saturday night's fireworks were spectacular - as usual
Saturday night's fireworks were spectacular - as usual

The northerly wind meant more smoke than usual
The northerly wind meant more smoke than usual

Many a cheer could be heard around the village in appreciation
Many a cheer could be heard around the village in appreciation

The forecast indicates a possibility of some snow up top in the next 24 hours. The long-range forecasts are calling for snow on June 16 while my interpretation of the maps says Friday 13th.

My sincere condolences for Toni, who can claim to be victim number 1 for the season. Toni broke his leg and ankle in two places in a simple slip on Friday night and he wasn't even on snow. Get well soon.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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