A Bit Slack On The Reports
I have been out away for some R&R on the coast, a sniff of the ocean and some low altitude living.
Nothing much has changed in Thredbo. It has got warmer but mid twenties is more bearable than mid thirties. I suspect it is the Victorian bushfires that are responsible for the heavy haze over the valley. There is no smell of smoke but last nights setting sun was so red that it reminded me of past bush fires.
Snowgums is still the operating lift but I’m sure the Kosciuszko Express will soon be reopened providing faster and easier access to the main range.
Low Altitude Training on the South Coast
My camera failed to capture the intense red sun last evening
Haze over High Noon
And Crackenback this morning
Actually, there have been changes in Thredbo; Altitude1380 Café has changed hands, as has Snowgoose Lodge and Sante Restaurant, so I’m sure we will see some changes over the next few months.
Don’t forget to do your bit to return Kosciuszko Park entry fees back to something reasonable? Click here. Annual passes are now $190 - well and truly more than double last year's fee of $88.