So Much Sunshine
5 days of warm spring-like weather is starting to take its toll, mostly on the exposed ridgelines and in some high traffic areas.
The lower and middle slopes are holding up well. Luckily snowmaking was possible for several hours last night as a temperature inversion has left the valley colder than the peaks over the past few nights.
The groomed runs were soft again at 8:30 this morning and provided wonderful carving opportunities but by 10:30 the slush moguls were building up. Fortunately this week is a quiet one crowd-wise and the slopes aren't being cut up as fast as during peak times.
Even off piste was generally soft by mid morning. The good side to all this has been over a week of continuous sunshine and clear starlit nights.
Sasha's Schuss - this is what the cats were busy doing the other week
Upper Golf Course (in the distance) with far more vegetation than we care to see at this time of year
Middle and Lower Supertail in surprisingly good condition albeit soft
The bureau today has forecast " optimistic situation for some significant snow falls on Saturday." With the NSW Bank Holiday long weekend and the beginning of 'peak season' there will be many more people on the slopes from Saturday morning.