Richard's Report - Monday, 27 January 2014 11:15:11 AM

Australia Day - A holiday for some

After a full-on Friday in Thredbo with 88mm of rain and winds up to 95kph, the long weekend began with sun and blue sky, a light breeze and an early morning wind chill of -7C. It was also another beautiful day in Thredbo for Australia Day with clear, blue, sunny skies and low temps. The crowds have rushed to Thredbo with many enticed by the "I climbed Kosi on Australia Day" theme. Sounds like an Aussie sort of thing to do.

Some how I've missed Australia Day and the entire long weekend whilst I spend my time taking photos, cataloguing photos and prepare endless logs and reports for insurance companies that argue over who will pay for something that occurred somewhere else but left me as the worst off victim of them all. No one will take responsibility and very few will offer advice leaving me with the cost and mess of a double disaster for which I haven't a clue what to do with.

Anyway, as a break away from insurance issues and being unable to bring you any local photos, I have put together a selection of photos sent by Rosco over the past weeks from Japan where they are experiencing an excellent winter. I hope you enjoy them.

Getting away from the beach in Summer
Getting away from the beach in Summer

Sure, I know where I'm going - just don't know where I've been
Sure, I know where I'm going - just don't know where I've been

Clear days have been rare
Clear days have been rare

But clear days allow you to go way outback - if you know what you are doing<BR>and your equipment is functioning properly
But clear days allow you to go way outback - if you know what you are doing
and your equipment is functioning properly

I know I parked the Subaru around here, I only dug it out 10 days ago<BR>See, I told you so<BR>Too dark now - we'll continue tomorrow
I know I parked the Subaru around here, I only dug it out 10 days ago
See, I told you so
Too dark now - we'll continue tomorrow

Doctor, doctor
Doctor, doctor

Frozen take-away?
Frozen take-away?

Rob in deep
Rob in deep

Rob using his board the best way he knows
Rob using his board the best way he knows

Time out for a Zen moment
Time out for a Zen moment

Thanks Rosco. I'm also hoping to get some snappies from Traktorman soon.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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