Week 4 - Some Action

First some more monsters.

Snow Monsters or Snow Ghosts, whatever you call them - you couldn't escape them
all shapes and sizes overlooking the valleys controlling the ridges
as far as the eye could see climbing the slope huddled in islands
short and squat proud and tall looking like chooks

Yes, I'm getting to the skiing, etc ... there was just so much new scenery to show. So many photographs and so few words.

Climb this side ... ... ride this side ... ... and it does slide

I climbed and skied 4 different mountains that I recall. Some more than once, doing different aspects depending upon the weather and show conditions.

Peter begins ... ... first lip ... ... air on second ... I didn't do so well

I used skins whilst all the others I climbed with used snow shoes. The fritschi bindings and scarpa boots meant I could get by without having to don the skins on many occasions whilst the poor boarders were forever doing the "shoes-on" - "shoes-off" routine. I won't be swapping from the skins.

Big long runs up to 7kms
Peter ex-skier and guide - Simon

There were many turns turned in that final week. Mostly out in the middle of nowhere.

Tight lines left something for everyone Blue skies and fresh tracks
Simon could put in the tightest lines of any boarder I've seen. Centre left and above.

Despite a great week of weather and touring, I did not go to Japan to go back country touring. Would I return? Yes, I will but hopefully next time I will get there before spring has sprung to enjoy the deep powder that must fall to result in over a 4-metre base.

One slope was a favourite - steep and sluffing
Peter Simon
One of the Tokyo lads ... ... and the ever smiling Tokyo gal

Nearly finished ...


  Copyright © 2006 Richard.
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