In the same request for financial documents (mentioned in a previous grump)
I also asked for a copy of the latest Strata Roll.
The body corporate Council knew I had an older copy as they had made a reference to it in a letter to owners dated 5 November 2013
from Squatters Run Council President, Richard Gallimore.
Under the constitution for Squatters Run Association all owners are entitled to a copy of owners' contacts details.
I have written to owners and retailers in Squatters Run in the past because of issues that I believed they should have been
made aware of (including the sewer spill referenced in a
previous grump).
My request for a new copy was simply so I could keep my records up to date. As you will see throughout my grumps,
there are often times when I have needed the latest contact details for the other owners.
Ten days after my initial request I had still not received any response and consequently withdrew my request and decided to post
online - which brings us to why I'm posting on this web site.
I have since discovered, from another owner, that an email titled "Disclosure of personal information on the Squatters
Run Register of Members" was sent out by Alpine Strata. The email from the President of the Squatters Run Association,
Richard Gallimore, was about me and about my request for owners' contact details.
I find some of Richard Gallimore's statements in the email perplexing. Statements like:
"We do not know what purpose Mr Pascoe has in requesting your details." and also;
"I am sorry if this email causes you concern but Council’s hands are tied by the current wording of the Constitution".
However, it's not what was said about me, that has me grumpy, it's the fact that when the email was about me, common
decency and professionalism would dictate that the subject of the email be copied in on it. If leaving me off the
mailing list had simply been a mistake or an accidental omission then one would have expected an apology once
Alpine Strata and the Squatters Run body corporate were made aware of the mistake - as they were last week.
I'm still waiting.
I'll be writing more about body corporate apologies in the future.