Looks Like A [insert appropriate word] Start
Thredbo has received a lot of precipitation over the past week. With temperatures up top staying mostly above zero that precipitation has been mostly rain.
With no snow making and any natural snow washed away, the weekend is looking like being a noisy, substance-abused weekend that will keep the imported constabulary on their toes.
Tuesday morning started with a good sign
And fresh snow above 1600m
But there was little left by Wednesday morning
Except for a dusting above 1800m
Thursday's heavy rain put an end to any snow
But the waterfalls were wow!
Crackenback yesterday (Thursday)
Same this morning (Friday)
Now:- only hours from the start of the 2016 ski season in Thredbo
I predict some snow tonight and tomorrow - just to increase the chaos on the roads for the long weekend.
Of course stranger things have happened. I think it was opening weekend in 1993 when the resort was all grass on the Saturday but by Sunday morning, at the top of Gunbarrel Chair, the snow base was 1m deep. No runs were groomed and a sunny Sunday and Monday with no more than 50 skiers on the hill was the most memorable opening weekend of my life. By midday on the Monday the Supertrail was a (50+cm) deep mogul field with grass at the bottom of each mogul :-)
Don't forget the change down to 80kph on the Alpine Way between the park gates and Thredbo. Please drive carefully - the wildlife doesn't know what's coming and the roads haven't had a freeze yet this year.
Stay tuned. I'll update here or on Twitter as soon as there is a change.