Richard's Report - Sunday, 24 August 2003 4:37:54 PM

Is This The Big One?

Saturday was OK – the icy hard packed softened and became carveable. Saturday night saw the temperature remain high and light rain began around dusk. This turned to a torrential tropical downpour which lasted till around 4:30am when it switched to wet snow.

By 8:00am there was a layer of white over the entire village and reports of 10cms of fresh up top. and there was about 5cms on the village. The winds were up and only Snow Gums, Gunbarrel, Merritts to Creek Station and East Does I0t were open due to wind and poor visibility.

The conditions kept the crowds away and I must admit the 40 minute ride up Snow Gums was uncomfortable but worth the effort for what we encountered after the traverse high behind Kareela Hutte. Boot deep untracked on Little Beauty, True Blue and Cannon Ball - none of which you could ski yesterday because of rock and grass.

The snow is heavy but wonderful for covering the rocks and filling in the creeks all swollen from the earlier rains.

The snow kept falling all day, filling in our tracks and doubling the original depth from 8:30am.

High Noon on Saturday looking decidely a little worse for wear
High Noon on Saturday looking decidely a little worse for wear

Sunday morning - Snow laden trees at the bottom of Snow Gums chair
Sunday morning - Snow laden trees at the bottom of Snow Gums chair

Thredbo River raging after the torrential overnight rains
Thredbo River raging after the torrential overnight rains

New snow on the roads and throughout the village
New snow on the roads and throughout the village

Looking across the foot bridge towards Valley Terminal
Looking across the foot bridge towards Valley Terminal

Late afternoon below Lovers Leap Bypass under Merritts chair
Late afternoon below Lovers Leap Bypass under Merritts chair

It’s still snowing and the forecast looks GREAT. This could be the big dump we have all been waiting for.

Today’s fall I would think was the single biggest fall this season and once again I can see tracks into the village under all chairs and around Lovers Leap Bypass.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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