Sandpaper Those Ski Bases
It snowed, it hailed, it rained and the winds blew on different days during the week and finally last night a dust storm. The cars in the village were covered in a thick layer of dust (presumably blown in from the drought areas) and onlookers suggested I would have an interesting time skiing on it. Luckily it wasn’t so bad up top.
This morning brought blue sky and a fresh breeze - perfect for a kite trip, or so I thought. I got the kite up and travelled a few hundred metres gently uphill before finding the wind was once again fickle. Did a few runs back and forth across the same slope and decided that I needed to be on a higher ridge line to get any speed going on the slower, softer snow.
Well, the winds dropped and the clouds started to reappear so I decided not to relaunch the kite but to just enjoy the climbs and turns back down on the descent.
Clear sky morning
Clouds building up behind Mt Kosciuszko
Looking north and down on the Kosi lookout and walking track
Slower turns on Signature Hill today - the same line as on Saturday (tobogganers on right)
Snow boarders revisiting their jump built on the weekend
The latest forest plantation put in today - on the upper Supertrail
The snow continues to rapidly melt away and after the rain earlier in the week the creeks and streams are really gushing now.
The ski bases look great after the light weight sand paper job.