Richard's Report - Tuesday, 6 July 2010 12:21:10 PM


One Massive Group has arrived before opening of Kosi chair each morning and continued most of the day. The reason is because it’s school holidays and the only way off Kosi chair is down Eagle Way and back to the bottom. There is still insufficient snow to open any of the T-bars. In a wise move, only a fraction of the chairs are loaded onto Kosi each morning to prevent too many people attempting to negotiate the tricky Eagle Way at any one time. Snowgums without a queue provides about the same up time as waiting in Kosi queue and then uploading.

The Kosciuszko Express opened for "advanced" skiers and boarders on Saturday. I didn’t venture onto it until Monday and found Eagle Way a fairly rough ride. I loved the comment from one friend who said, “I’ve never seen so many ‘advanced riders’ in Thredbo before”. It certainly was a test of avoiding the rocks and ice and all the “advanced” riders who crashed in front of you.

Merritts was very nice on the weekend and High Noon has a good cover, which got a bit polished as the day progressed.

One of the big surprises was how good the cover on Sundowner is. The snowmaking is spectacular and the lower slopes are, in places, much better than the upper ones. Traktorman will be pleased to know Sundance (aka Lovers Leap Bypass) is open and has a good cover.

We did have a little snow overnight and that provided some freshies for one run. Strangely there seemed to be no more snow on the mountain than in the village, still it all looks pretty and without any wind, the snow remained in the trees until the temperature rose.

Interschools get underway tomorrow with bumps on High Noon and it looks as though a boarder cross run is being built at the bottom of the Village Trail skiers left of the Milk Run.

I haven’t seen any baggie jumpers yet but have been assured that the Bagjump has seen some action. Certainly this morning's snow clearing seemed a labour intensive job.

There has been talk around the village that Eagle Way (in its current state of ice and rock) should be renamed in honour of Ronnie Duncan’s ski repair shop. Suggestions range from “Ronnie’s Run” to “Duncan’s Way”, then Rosco suggested (in favour of Ronnie’s staff) “Rocky Road”, which then made me think of “Greg’s Grind”. In any case the lads are getting a lot of work generated by the few hundred metres off loading from the top of Kosi chair.

As I write this, the sun is once again blazing away. Where is all the wind and snow? I can’t remember such a long stretch of good weather this time of year. School holidays usually bring foul weather to the mountains.

Race training on Upper Supertrail early Sunday morning
Race training on Upper Supertrail early Sunday morning

High Noon and Lower Sundance
High Noon and Lower Sundance

Ski Patrol preparing an alternate way down Little Merritts
Ski Patrol preparing an alternate way down Little Merritts

World Cup run out yesterday morning - with no one around
World Cup run out yesterday morning - with no one around

Central Spur from Eagles Nest yesterday
Central Spur from Eagles Nest yesterday

The Basin from Eagles Nest
The Basin from Eagles Nest

Friday Flat from Eagles Nest
Friday Flat from Eagles Nest

Freshies on World Cup this morning
Freshies on World Cup this morning

Upper World Cup
Upper World Cup

Queue on Kosi chair at 10:30 no different to 8:30
Queue on Kosi chair at 10:30 no different to 8:30

The forecasters continue to jump all over the place. May be we will get something at the end of the week or over the weekend. We still need natural snow and wind to get all the T-bars open. Then the crowds can disperse in different directions and the queues will diminish.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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