Richard's Report - Monday, 3 May 2010 9:50:01 AM

Moving the Thredbo Jazz Festival one week forward certainly paid off. Firstly there was the fantastic weather. The forecast snow showers never eventuated and even though it was brisk on the main range, the sun shone wonderfully in the village all weekend. Then of course the Festival did not coincide with Mothers Day. A great idea and one I hope keeps happening in the future.

We have had some great frosts in Thredbo and the ground is probably ready to accept some white stuff but daytime temperatures are still quite mild.

There have been complaints about my lack of reports recently but it has been fairly quiet around the village and I've been oh so busy. I might even have a buyer for my apartment. More news next week.

Thanks to Yalumba for their continued support for the Thredbo Jazz Festival.

Another good frost on Sundance
Another good frost on Sundance

Barbara Morrison at Poolside
Barbara Morrison at Poolside

Armondo Hurley - great Gospel Jazz
Armondo Hurley - great Gospel Jazz

NSW Public Schools Jazz Orchestra
NSW Public Schools Jazz Orchestra

Louise Perryman Band in Schuss Bar
Louise Perryman Band in Schuss Bar

And all that Jazz for another year
And all that Jazz for another year

The bureau is forecasting snow this week. Kosi chair is shut for 3 weeks maintenance and Snowgums is in operation during this period. Winter is only weeks away.

The Grump: Not only has Thredbo's parent company Amalgamated Holdings Limited disallowed shareholder discounts on early bird lift passes they have also changed the minimum number of shares required before their other discounts step in from 300 shares to 500 shares. I've sold my 300 AHD shares.

Late Update to Grump:
KT have extended earlybird platinum pases to June 7th. I, like many others, bought my earlybird pass in April, then KT extended it to May, now June (according to their web site). Why would anyone buy in April of May next year? We might be suckers this year but won't get caught again.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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