Richard's Report - Wednesday, 4 November 2009 6:05:34 PM

Free Base Grind

My patience expired, the weather looked good and the snow pack is disappearing at a great pace. With my foot lightly taped, Marion and I headed off this morning up the chair to see what we could find. Initially our plan was to just ski Summer Drift but upon reaching the crest before the bridge and looking at Signature Hill we both knew that was where we had to go.

There was a brisk breeze that kept us cool and some light cloud. It was a long walk out to the snowline and although we started off on the snow using skins we found it easier to boot pack up the snow. The base had about 2cms of soft on firm and it was really easy boot packing straight up the steepest slopes. I climbed the North Face as it presented the fastest way to top and after Marion arrived (via the back door) she took my camera as I did the most enjoyable run down the North Face that I had done in months.

The white snow was no longer sticky and although a tad slower than the red snow it presented no difficulty skiing in and out of both colours. The red snow provided a base grind on every run whilst dulling the edges on every turn.

Second run was down the steeper part of the main face and the third straight down the centre whilst Marion returned to her favourite - the waterfall. After some nourishment we had another couple of runs before heading back for a late coffee at Eagles Nest.

Your’s truly on the North Face<br>photo by Marion
Your’s truly on the North Face
photo by Marion

Looking back the other way - North Face with main range in the background
Looking back the other way - North Face with main range in the background

Marion in a historic NZ ski team suit<br>Camouflage suit for the red snow
Marion in a historic NZ ski team suit
Camouflage suit for the red snow

First two runs on North Face and Main Face
First two runs on North Face and Main Face

Marion completing the 8s
Marion completing the 8s

Marion’s favourite – the waterfall
Marion’s favourite – the waterfall

Main face with the waterfall on far left
Main face with the waterfall on far left

Marion starting the second set of 8s
Marion starting the second set of 8s

The lake opening up
The lake opening up

Looking back from the bridge<br>if look carefully you'll find both sets of 8s
Looking back from the bridge
if look carefully you'll find both sets of 8s

Kosi chair closes for maintenance after Snowy Ride this weekend. I’ll try to get out on the weekend for one last ski. The melt rate is so fast (mostly due to the deep red layer of grit) that I can’t imagine there being much left in a fortnight.

Telstra Grump: Nah - haven't got my money yet - what do you expect?

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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