Springing Back
Following Tuesday’s wonderful 20cms of dry fresh, I rushed out and got first chair the next day. Wednesday provided great corduroy that was really firm from Bunny Walk down but as the sun rose the snow pack softened. Eventually I was up on Karels to get the best snow. Another run to Dead Horse Gap revealed the snow was going off much faster than I had expected.
Thursday was softer still but I enjoyed roaming the resort till early afternoon and Friday, well, let’s just say that the first two runs were nice then everything turned to marshmallow. Imagine you cut open a soft marshmallow and turned the sticky inside part upwards and then tried to ski on it. With 75kph winds pushing your upper body down the slope and superglue holding your skis in one place you really had to push your legs forward to remain upright.
The weather has been sensational although the strengthening breeze did shut some lifts for a while this morning. There has hardly been a soul on the mountain which means the limited groomed runs provide plenty of space to fly (when the snow is not so sticky).
Cord city on World Cup – Wednesday
Marion above the Basin
Out back under the sun
Marion at the bottom of Dead Horse Gap on Wednesday
Looking down to Cruiser base and looking back up from same
Have you seen Karel’s shark or the burnt tailed eagle?
Construction above the Cruiser – Bottom of World Cup
Creek opening above top of Gunbarrel
Karels to Signature Hill and Karels to Basin - today
Flame Robin, marshmallow with red dust, bottom of Sundance
The forecast is, er, mixed. Strong to gale force winds and snow to 1800m on Saturday and to 1400m on Monday. Probably Monday will be brilliant as I’m supposed to go to Canberra.
Congratulations to Berty and Gayle on getting hitched at Bernti's on Tuesday.
Grumpy Report: Telling you something you already know: we are being ripped off by fuel prices with world oil price down below $100 a barrel while we continue to pay at $150 per barrel rates. What's worse? - Gutless politicians on both sides of the parliamentary crèche.