Richard's Report - Thursday, 12 October 2006 1:42:19 PM

Thanks For The Boot Pack

Following Roscoe’s main range adventure last weekend, he went out did six runs on Signature Hill on Monday morning before returning to Melbourne. Unfortunately I was unable to get out Monday but after hearing Roscoe’s report on the state of the hill, I rushed out on Tuesday morning for possibly my last turns of 2006.

The weather was ideal, clear blue sky and a cooling breeze of 20kph resulting in a wind-chill just above 0C. By 9:30am I was on top of Signature Hill and took my first run down the main face. It was firm and I only went half way down, where a patch of grass split the main face. The next three runs were down the steeper North face. Roscoe’s boot pack made for an easy ascent. The descents were scattered with the odd boulder and I took completely different lines each time. Facing the sun, the slope had 2-3cms of sorbet on top of a firm base - very enjoyable. After my fifth climb to the top I decided to do the full run down the main face. The snow had softened a little and by traversing over a 4m patch of grass, I was able to link the upper slope with the lower one, which took me all the way down to the creek.

Tuesday - top of Signature Hill looking south towards Karels
Tuesday - top of Signature Hill looking south towards Karels

Looking east towards Eagles Nest
Looking east towards Eagles Nest

Where we were skiing 12 days ago below North Ramshead
Where we were skiing 12 days ago below North Ramshead

Boulders add some interest to the North Face
Boulders add some interest to the North Face

And determine how you ski the steepest lines
And determine how you ski the steepest lines

It is hard to capture the angle of this wonderful slope
It is hard to capture the angle of this wonderful slope

The full extent of skiing on the North Face
The full extent of skiing on the North Face

Lower main face – my tracks beside Roscoe’s
Lower main face – my tracks beside Roscoe’s

Signature Hill viewed from the bridge
Signature Hill viewed from the bridge

Maintenance crew on Basin T-bar
Maintenance crew on Basin T-bar

Currently there are very strong and hot NW winds blowing across the area. A cold change has been forecast for late Saturday. Bushfires are burning near Tooma and Mt Baw Baw. Summer is at least 4 weeks ahead of 2005 and 6 weeks ahead on 2004 and it is very dry. The blowies are out and the frogs as well.

Don’t forget to do your bit to return Kosciuszko Park entry fees back to something reasonable? Click here. Annual passes are now $190 - well and truly more than double last year's fee of $88.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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