This Is The End (thanks Jim Morrison)
A quick walk out behind Eagles Nest yesterday was all I needed to realise that skiing for me for 2005 is over. Our tracks from Saturday could still be clearly seen but there were now exposed creeks, rocks and vegetation where we had made many of our turns. I would estimate that 30 - 50cm of snow had disappeared since Saturday. Considering that it is now raining as I write this report, I don’t think I will see myself carting my skis out to the main range again this year. Of course miracles do happen, so I won't dismiss the idea completely.
The Kosciuszko Express closes for maintenance on Sunday afternoon and will not reopen till December. Black Sallees will operate at the top of Snowgums chair during this period.
Saturday's tracks on Wednesday
Central Spur
More wild flowers emerging with the warmth and water
Escaping snow
Dusting of new snow Thursday evening - Friday morning
Fresh white above High Noon (up to 4cms)
And now for something very important to all visitors to Thredbo.
Last Sunday in the Canberra Times was an article about new access fees to Kosciuszko National Park.
An incredible 223.5% increase on the annual pass over the next two years. This is completely outrageous and must be overturned immediately.
Click here to read all about it
I, like many others believe this impost upon visitors to Thredbo is unjust and unfair. The NSW government keeps talking about “user pays” but why should people in Thredbo pay for Perisher sewerage upgrade when Thredbo pays for its own sewerage not the NSW government? This is, I believe, discriminatory against all Thredbo businesses and all visitors to Thredbo.
If the government cannot have separate access fees for Perisher and Thredbo then why do they have separate access fees to other National Parks?
I strongly urge you to contact your local state and federal members, contact the media and contact your friends. The more voices against this the sooner it will be stopped. The new fees for annual passes have already been implemented.
There is a precedent here that if allowed to remain, will impact upon all Australians. Can you imagine a toll being placed upon Parramatta Road to fund a private toll road in Wollongong? Act now and maintain the rage!
This does not just affect Thredbo, Mt Selwyn will also suffer with visitors to that resort being forced to fund Perisher infrastructure.
I am not against the works planned by NPWS but their means for financing it seem to me to be seriously flawed, inequitable and discriminatory.