The End
The end of ski season 2005 came without much ado. Fresh snow on Thursday was a minor reprieve but the warm winds continued stripping away the snow pack.
Friday was once again crowded in the Basin. Saturday was the last day of operation for Antons T-bar while the Cruiser managed to get through to Sunday. By Monday only the Basin T-bar was open and only just.
The snow has been generally soft and sticky and not the normal spring conditions where it freezes overnight and then turns to sugar during the day. The distinct lack of cold nights has left the base mostly rotten to the core and it is melting as fast underneath as it is on top.
There were not a lot of people around for the long weekend. A pity really when there was more on offer than just skiing and boarding. I saw several groups of snow shoeing people. The bobsled was popular and the bike hire was open for business. Some of the walking trails are still quite wet and muddy in places but the tennis courts got some business.
The Bluff on Friday - closed
A very sticky Signature Hill
Ice formations on an emerging stream behind Karels
Antons on Saturday – only 3 hours to go
You had to paddle across the mud to get in line
Last turns on a sticky Wiamea for 2005
A disappointingly small fireworks display for the end of the season
An echidna by the bobsled - unperturbed by the people or noise
Hopefully a return to cold nights will firm up the base making the main range good for a few more turns. The forecast includes a cold change and some snow on higher areas.
I will continue to publish the occassional report (probably weekly). Thanks for the support this year and for those not interested in the off-season - hope you'll be back next winter.
Enjoy your summer,