Wind, Wind And More Wind
There were some fantastic windblown snowdrifts up around Sponars and Antons T-bars on Friday. I actually encountered boot deep, light, dry windblown powder on a couple of runs.
The winds dropped somewhat for Saturday and the sun continued shining. There had now been an entire week of clear blue skies. The winds picked up again for Sunday morning and most lifts were on wind hold all day.
Gunbarrel and Snowgums were that main transport. The Cruiser and Kosciuszko Express opened for a short while whilst winds allowed. All upper T-bars remained shut. At times the ride on the chairs was exciting but the rewards were softened carvable slopes with a layer of windblown on top. As the day progressed moisture was permeating the hard pack base making for easy carving.
The official weather station says wind reached 112kph but meters have supposedly reported gusts in excess of 130kph at Eagle's Next - the top of the Kosciuszko Express.
Winds on Central Spur - Friday
Winds on Crackenback - Friday
Deep wind drifts on Sponars
More wind on Sponars
And more windblown powder
Boarders on a peak above Golf Course - Saturday
A popular High Noon on Sunday afternoon
Eagles Nest is only a blur on a very windy Sunday afternoon
The clouds blew in during the morning and now overcast conditions prevail. It is drizzling lightly in the village and the wind appears to have dropped just a little.