Richard's Report - Tuesday, 6 July 2004 8:13:00 PM

School Holidays

Last weekend saw the start of NSW school holidays and the start to the busiest time of the year for the skifields.

The winds of last week abated and with their departure the quality of the snow base hardened. No longer were there the deep wind blown powder stashes but a very firm base that felt unusually hard underfoot.

The crowds have continued to increase but the snow has begun falling again and both yesterday and today were much improved on the weekend’s conditions. We had light snowfalls continuing for about 24 hours. Yesterday’s snows, whilst on the wet side, helped renew the base. Last night, with dropping temperatures, the snow guns fired up and have continued going all day and they are still running tonight as I type these words.

The snow today was extremely dry and lots of fun was had getting fresh lines especially up high. All lifts have been in operation including Ramshead which has run for a while each day, not because lift lines were unacceptable on the Kosi Express but I suspect simply to offer an alternate ride up the mountain.

The thinnest piece of real estate in the resort is still the last corner on the Supertrail but the snow guns are slowly building a base at this low altitude.

Wonderful groomed corduroy on World Cup
Wonderful groomed corduroy on World Cup

Karels T-bar finally opened for season 2004 on Saturday
Karels T-bar finally opened for season 2004 on Saturday

Below the rock garden on Karels T-bar
Below the rock garden on Karels T-bar

Repairs completed to the wind speed meter on Eagles Nest
Repairs completed to the wind speed meter on Eagles Nest

Snows on Bogong Creek at Dead Horse Gap
Snows on Bogong Creek at Dead Horse Gap

Saturday night’s flare run
Saturday night’s flare run

Snow guns on middle Crackenback today
Snow guns on middle Crackenback today

Uncrowded slopes and more snow guns
Uncrowded slopes and more snow guns

Forecasts have more snow on the way tonight and tomorrow. Probably nothing big but more likely around 10cm which like today’s falls will continue to consolidate the base.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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