Richard's Report - Wednesday, 2 September 2009 12:36:55 PM

Officially Spring Time

Well, Spring has sprung according to the calendar. Two days into spring and it has all been sunny blue skies. August 2009 in Thredbo may have been warmer than August 2008 but already September 2009 has been 0.5C colder than the coldest day in September 2008. What does this mean? I have no idea but thought you should know.

Monday was very cloudy and not nearly as nice as Sunday. It was blowing hard with mizzle to dampen the clothing and obscure your vision. At the top of Basin and Sponars T-bars the mizzle would freeze and then melt again on the descent. Antons and Karels were closed while the lower slopes were very sticky and slow. Some snow had been made overnight but went off quickly.

Tuesday was simply wonderful and I'd include it in the top ten days for season 2009. We had sunshine, fresh snow, deep wind blown, a cooling breeze and no crowds. There was no waiting in lift queues (even with Antons still out of action) and I was still getting fresh lines at midday.

Today the sun was again shining in a cloudless sky. The breeze had dropped and again there were no crowds. The off piste wasn’t the same as yesterday, being either more packed or chopped depending upon facets to wind and sun. On piste was gloriously fast for the first hour or so and then the mobile chicanes started appearing. I had a fast and furious morning with Phil and Scot and lots of fun with Thredbo Media. How that cameraman can stand there as streaks and blurs of colour whistle past him is amazing. World Cup was great as was Exhibition.

Monday’s murk left us with creamy, damp snow and wet …
Monday’s murk left us with creamy, damp snow and wet …

First tracks off the Bluff on Tuesday morning
First tracks off the Bluff on Tuesday morning

More of The Bluff and the Aussie Uni Race Bump course on World Cup
More of The Bluff and the Aussie Uni Race Bump course on World Cup

So many freshies on Karels and The Basin - Tuesday
So many freshies on Karels and The Basin - Tuesday

Michael’s Mistake and the Uni Race Boarder Cross
Michael’s Mistake and the Uni Race Boarder Cross

Meadows, Supertrail below Bunny Walk, Lower Supertrail / Milk Run and Lower World Cup
Meadows, Supertrail below Bunny Walk, Lower Supertrail / Milk Run and Lower World Cup

Big Big Air being built above the top of Cruiser chair
Big Big Air being built above the top of Cruiser chair

Bump action today and Sundance/High Noon
Bump action today and Sundance/High Noon

Signature Hill - looks good - but not my tracks
Signature Hill - looks good - but not my tracks

Yes, the lower slopes are thinning and the upper flat areas have bushes showing but the wind-drifted areas are great. There have been several slides predominantly in the upper Golf Course.

We wait with baited breath to see how much rain and how much snow will come out of the Thursday-Friday change.

You might like this or not. More about the upcoming ETS and may be a little perspective:

I just noticed that I am rapidly approaching my 500th report. Just another 12 reports to go. I should be able to do that before the end of my 2009 season. Might just have to hold a party ;-)

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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