Richard's Report - Sunday, 30 August 2009 5:05:10 PM

More Climate Change

Friday provided a wind-packed and smooth cover throughout. It rained all Saturday and most of the night while Sunday produced wonderful dry, soft, wind blown snow. Three very different days that have left us back in full winter mode.

The vis on Friday was good (a clear sunny day). I didn't go near a lift on Saturday (too much rain, thunder and lightning). Meanwhile, upon disembarking first chair up Kosi this morning, I had around 3m of visibility for first tracks. The vis improved but there were times during the day where you couldn't see your skis for the wind blowing snow so deeply over the surface.

In contrast to the previous 2 days, today's temp never rose above -4C and the wind-chill sat below -13C. This made for good snow making conditions that helped the mid and lower slopes recovery from the rain damage.

There was a real sting on the skin riding Basin T-bar today. Karels, Sponars and Antons were closed. Antons due to a mechanical fault whilst Karels and Sponars were closed for poor vis. Kosciuszko Express remained open all day although there were times it looked close to closing due to the very strong winds. These winds produced some great wind drifts. My favourites were the Basin Rim Run, The Bluff and Cannonball. The wind kept covering our tracks after every run. Below these powder stashes was a lot of frozen, rain-affected snow. Although icy in structure it was possible to edge on these patches, even with my poor edges.

Above Bogong was firm - Friday
Above Bogong was firm - Friday

Wind-packed snow towards Dead Horse Gap
Wind-packed snow towards Dead Horse Gap

Creamy finish to the DHG run
Creamy finish to the DHG run

Ray approaching the bottom of DHG
Ray approaching the bottom of DHG

Nice but thin cover at bottom of DHG
Nice but thin cover at bottom of DHG

High Noon and Sundance this morning - Sunday
High Noon and Sundance this morning - Sunday

Sunday morning's snowfall repairing the rain damage
Sunday morning's snowfall repairing the rain damage

Below Eagles Nest Restaurant
Below Eagles Nest Restaurant

My skis (centre) frosted during lunch at Eagles Nest
My skis (centre) frosted during lunch at Eagles Nest

Looks like we may get more snow in the next 24 hours and then next Thursday-Friday look promising.

Reports seem to indicate a quiet village next week but lots of snow and short-to-no lift queues. I'm looking forward to Central Spur opening tomorrow.

Local grump (gotta ave a grump ;-) Many have noticed that Prime television in Thredbo village appears to operate less than Ramshead chair.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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