Richard's Report - Thursday, 5 July 2012 1:33:27 PM

Good Base for School Holidays

Following last weekend's fresh snowfall we have had light intermittent falls every day. The winds have now dropped and swung SE and the cold nights have meant a stack of snow making has added to the already great early-July snow pack.

The forecast is for more sun and cold temps to keep the snow dry and just lovely.

In reply to the 1st photo on my <a href=rrhist3.asp?rrid=673 target=_blank>last report</a><br>photo by Matt submitted by Andy
In reply to the 1st photo on my last report
photo by Matt submitted by Andy

Marion and crew have been to DHG a few times this week<br>photo by Marion
Marion and crew have been to DHG a few times this week
photo by Marion

Brumbies at/near Dead Horse Gap - photo by Ray
Brumbies at/near Dead Horse Gap - photo by Ray

The Basin on Tuesday
The Basin on Tuesday

Some one had been to Stanley's even before I had my first run on Boundary Rider
Some one had been to Stanley's even before I had my first run on Boundary Rider

Snow makers' cloud this morning beyond Lower Sundance
Snow makers' cloud this morning beyond Lower Sundance

First rays on the bumpy Bluff this morning
First rays on the bumpy Bluff this morning

Race club prepare to trash Upper Supertrail long before we get there
Race club prepare to trash Upper Supertrail long before we get there

A light-hearted moment occurred a couple of mornings ago when Jono and I, waiting for the start of Kosi chair, watched Kim & Brad (yep, those two well known identities), who were in line for first chair, get stuck when the electronic gates were switched on and they didn't realise. Of course, their passes had already been registered before they attempted to move through the gates. They did, however, make second chair :-) It's good to see Kim getting so much skiing in.

Well now, the grump for this week has to be the obscene pay rise given to federal politicians. They only just got a massive increase some 4 months ago.

If politicians' pay rises were (like everyone else's) based on productivity and/or performance then they would deservedly never get a pay rise. They, themselves, know that and that's why they passed legislation to put their pay in the hands of Independent Remuneration Tribunal. Gutless wonders, I say.

It really galls me that I've heard no one but Andrew Wilkie speak out against these obscene payments. When so many Australians are homeless, unemployed, waiting in hospital queues, unable to get dental care, wanting an education, decent transport solutions and so much more these leeches on society (yes, the politicians) silently take their pay rise. And what have we got to show for it? They can't won't even pass a simple bill to protect our borders and save the lives of misguided asylum seekers.

Lets clean them ALL out (the politicians, that is) at the next election - Lib, Lab, Greens & Nats. Lets start again with a fresh lot willing to work for a fair wage to the benefit of the Australian majority.

I've heard it said that if you pay peanuts you get monkeys. Why are all the monkeys still there after the last pay rise? And why do most other countries have much better monkeys on less peanuts?

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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