Richard's Report - Friday, 9 October 2009 12:42:12 PM

What Else Has Been Going On?

It has continued to snow all week, albeit only lightly most of the time. The base up top must be getting truly deep. On Wednesday afternoon the cover was around 50cm deep at the top of Kosi chair and, as Jax, Marion and I skinned across the Basin and Karels towards the Golf Course boundary, we encountered many places where the new snow was a metre deep. The SE wind was strong but not in our face except for the final crossing of the top of Golf Course Bowl. Even with skis and skins we were sinking over boot deep into the new snow for most of the journey.

Below the tree line on skiers' right of the ridgeline we were out of the wind but the snow was so deep and heavy that we mostly straight lined, throwing in a turn or two when speed permitted. It all made for a long trip to Dead Horse Gap but an adventure in its own way.

We had to dig Marion’s car out of the snow before returning to the village on a freshly ploughed Alpine Way.

Looking back down Hump Run towards Tower 10
Looking back down Hump Run towards Tower 10

The white room beyond Golf Course Bowl<BR>Deep snow even below the tree line
The white room beyond Golf Course Bowl
Deep snow even below the tree line

Anyone for a little ice-skating?
Anyone for a little ice-skating?

Jax in deep and heavy at the bottom of DHG
Jax in deep and heavy at the bottom of DHG

Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?

Bogong Creek
Bogong Creek

Skiing across the bridge
Skiing across the bridge

Digging the car out
Digging the car out

A bogong moth nest under the car was soon devoured
A bogong moth nest under the car was soon devoured

Dead Horse Gap - need I say more?
Dead Horse Gap - need I say more?

There is a little blue-sky showing as I type. With continual cold temps and all the new snow, the weekend may provide some entertainment on the main range.

This has certainly been The Big One - the biggest snowfall of the season - only the season is closed.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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