Richard's Report - Sunday, 12 October 2008 11:21:11 AM

Why Did the Chicken Cross The Road?

Well for starters it wasn’t a chicken – it was Mr Chook (aka Ray). Secondly, it wasn’t a road – it was a creek. So, why did Mr Chook cross the creek? To ensure that the snow bridge would support the weight of the rest of us.

Four of us went out on Friday morning for some exercise in the very off-white room. With tracks still visible on Signature Hill, we decided on climbing above the untracked Summer Drift and enjoyed a long, continual run down. The dwindling patches of white snow were better skiing than the red/brown and we climbed back up for some extra turns before having to return early to the village due to other commitments.

On Saturday morning, the four of us discussed going back out again. Marion and I took our skis while Lynne and Ray provided portage for the champers and flutes.

Looking behind Signature Hill I spied a run that was not tracked. It was also a line that I had never taken before. I knew that if I didn’t do it first run that I wouldn’t do it at all. So, thinking of Traktorman, Rosco and Wazza who would have fought over getting to it first, I slogged my way to the top while Marion took over the photographic duties. I had a great view from this vantage point above the top of Signature Hill but no camera to record it. The run down was very enjoyable and had my adrenalin levels up, so I slogged back up to the top of Signature Hill to do the steep line down the North Face (a favourite of Traktorman and Rosco). The white snow was stickier than on Friday but the red snow was sweet – a little soft on firm – consistent in speed and easy to edge. Back up again, then down for champers and chocolate frogs (it's all about a healthy life style ;-). The going up after some fizz was definitely harder but there were still some untracked sections on the main face to claim.

It was a lot of fun and we didn’t get back to Eagles Nest for lunch until sometime after 2pm.

View of Signature Hill from behind Merritts Creek
View of Signature Hill from behind Merritts Creek

Saturday’s climb behind Summer Drift
Saturday’s climb behind Summer Drift

Ray and Lynne on Saturday
Ray and Lynne on Saturday

Winter, Spring or Summer ?
Winter, Spring or Summer ?

Effort and Reward - moi on Sunday morning (photo by Marion)
Effort and Reward - moi on Sunday morning (photo by Marion)

First time I’ve done this line (photo by Marion)
First time I’ve done this line (photo by Marion)

Effort and Reward for Marion
Effort and Reward for Marion

Yours truly enjoying the fresh air (photo by Marion)
Yours truly enjoying the fresh air (photo by Marion)

The rarely seen Binge Moth (before, during and after some fizz)
The rarely seen Binge Moth (before, during and after some fizz)

These two lines for Traktorman, Rosco & Waz
These two lines for Traktorman, Rosco & Waz

Today my calf muscles are feeling the aftermath of climbing up some near vertical slopes where I had to kick in steps to support my weary a*se up for more nice turns.

Happy Birthday Francesca!

Today's Grumpy Report: is for Lynne who felt the need to walk up under Kosi chair to pick up some of the garbage we saw yesterday from the chair. Lynne filled two shopping bags and said that the most prevalent thing was bubble and chewing gum. Lynne estimates that she picked up at least 1000 pieces of it and something like 500 tissues. All this before Tower 5. This obviously leaves some for someone else to pick up.

Meanwhile, I hope to have something special in my next grumpy report.

Now back to the Bathurst race - zoom zoom zoom.

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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