Richard's Report - Sunday, 28 May 2017 10:15:22 AM

This Is The End - Richard's Last Report

It all began as the dream of an 11 year old school boy, when on a school trip exploring the Snowy Mountains Scheme, he was captured by the splendour and majesty of the snow covered alps. I had two more trips to the snow, where I learnt the fundamentals of skiing from my father, before a hit-and-run motor accident, only 4 days after leaving high school, left me disabled and disfigured. Refusing to have my foot amputated, the doctors said that I would probably not walk again and if I did I would be crippled with arthritis by the age of 40. After close to half a year in hospital and several operations later, I spent the next 6 months in hip to toe plaster. I had lost most of my heel and was left with one leg 2 centimetres shorter than the other.

However, in less than 2 years I had taught myself to walk again but I was never going to be the long distance runner I had been. Several years on, I discovered that skiing was one of the very few physical sports I could take part in, and so the journey began. I skied whenever and wherever my budget would allow. I lived to ski.

Some years past the age of 40, it took 2 heart attacks and 2 other serious medical events all within a 3 month period to convince me to realise my childhood dream and so I moved to Thredbo, where I invested all of my time and money. It was around this time that Richard's Report began in an effort to curb the volumes of emails and phone calls from friends asking about snow conditions.

The next 12 years were without doubt the happiest years of my life. Then piece by piece my dream morphed into a tsunami of nightmares. The past four and a half years have culminated in me leaving Thredbo. Despite my best efforts, people didn't want to hear or believe what I was being put through by a small group of people who crushed my spirit by taking control of every facet of my life. Consequently, I just put on the happy, smiling face everyone else expected from me.


I drove out of Thredbo, alone on Friday, with the last of my possessions - emotionally, psychologically, physically and financially shattered. At this point in time I can't envisage returning to Thredbo but I do envisage that the lies will increase from the people who are the very reason I have left Thredbo.

My final words of advice (if I may be so bold as to offer advice):- "Beware of false friends, they may just take everything from you, even your very reasons for existing."


I will really miss Thredbo and the good people of Thredbo, all now consigned to memory.

I would like to thank my readers for their kind words and support over the years. I've had a long and enjoyable time (15 years) posting reports, although it doesn't seem that long now it's over.

To the Thredbo ski patrol, the mountain staff, the shopkeepers and all the village staff, the first-chair crew and all those who befriended me over the past 16 years, I quote from Douglas Adams:
"So Long And Thanks For All The Fish".

A few memories
A few memories

I'll miss the serenity, the isolation and the adrenalin of the back country
I'll miss the serenity, the isolation and the adrenalin of the back country

I'll miss those first tracks through Thredbo Village on a fresh powder morning
I'll miss those first tracks through Thredbo Village on a fresh powder morning

I'll miss the rejuvenation of exercising at altitude way after winter's close
I'll miss the rejuvenation of exercising at altitude way after winter's close

I'll miss the efforts we went to for those special slopes
I'll miss the efforts we went to for those special slopes

I'll miss the majesty and bizarre sights so few get to see on the main range
I'll miss the majesty and bizarre sights so few get to see on the main range

I'll miss my own private ski resort when everyone else had gone to the beach
I'll miss my own private ski resort when everyone else had gone to the beach

I'll miss the magnificent and spectacular view from my apartment<BR>including those special early morning treats
I'll miss the magnificent and spectacular view from my apartment
including those special early morning treats

I'll miss that 'standard shot from the bridge' after a fun time on Signature Hill
I'll miss that 'standard shot from the bridge' after a fun time on Signature Hill

I'll miss you all
I'll miss you all

I leave you with the last words from MASH: "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen".

That's All Folks (BB).

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

(Jim Morrison)

The views and opinions expressed on this page are my own personal observations and in no way represent the views or opinions of the resort or any other person.

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